Swollen Ankles in the Elderly: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions Swollen Ankles in the Elderly: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
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Swollen Ankles in the Elderly: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Our bodies undergo numerous changes as we age, and one common issue that affects many elderly individuals is swollen ankles. Swollen ankles in the elderly can be uncomfortable and concerning, often leading to mobility issues and decreased quality of life. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the causes, symptoms, and potential solutions for swollen ankles in the elderly. Additionally, we will introduce a valuable aid, the YourStride Alarm Watch, designed to provide 24/7 emergency assistance for the elderly in the UK.

Swollen ankles, medically known as ankle oedema, is a condition where there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the ankles. This condition is more prevalent in the elderly population due to a combination of factors, including age-related changes in the circulatory system, mobility limitations, and underlying medical conditions. Swollen ankles can occur unilaterally (affecting one ankle) or bilaterally (affecting both ankles).

Common Causes of Swollen Ankles in the Elderly

Swollen ankles in the elderly can be attributed to various underlying factors. Let's explore these common causes in more detail to gain a deeper understanding of the condition and its triggers:

  • Venous Insufficiency: This is a prevalent cause of swollen ankles in elderly individuals. It occurs when the veins in the legs struggle to efficiently return blood to the heart, leading to a build-up of blood in the lower extremities. This venous congestion is a primary contributor to ankle swelling, often accompanied by sensations of aching and discomfort.
  • Heart Conditions: Elderly individuals are particularly susceptible to various heart conditions, with congestive heart failure being a prominent concern. In congestive heart failure, the heart's ability to pump blood effectively is compromised, resulting in fluid retention throughout the body. This excess fluid can accumulate in the ankles, leading to swelling.
  • Medication Side Effects: Many elderly individuals rely on medications to manage various health conditions. However, some of these medications may inadvertently lead to fluid retention as a side effect. It's essential for healthcare providers to carefully assess the medication regimen of elderly patients to prevent medication-induced ankle swelling.
  • Inactivity and Immobility: Reduced physical activity and limited mobility are common in the elderly population, especially for those with chronic illnesses or musculoskeletal issues. Prolonged periods of inactivity can negatively impact circulation, potentially resulting in poor blood flow to the lower extremities and, subsequently, swollen ankles.
  • Infection and Inflammation: Infections or inflammatory conditions can trigger localised swelling in the ankles. Infection-related swelling is typically accompanied by other symptoms, such as redness, warmth, and tenderness in the affected area. Timely diagnosis and treatment of the underlying infection or inflammation are crucial in managing this cause of ankle swelling.
  • Lymphedema: This is a chronic condition characterised by a build-up of lymphatic fluid, often causing swelling in the legs and ankles. This condition can result from an impaired lymphatic system or damage to lymphatic vessels, leading to fluid accumulation. Managing lymphedema typically involves specialised care and therapies to reduce swelling and improve lymphatic function.

Understanding these common causes of swollen ankles in the elderly is the first step towards effective management and prevention. It's essential to work closely with healthcare professionals to identify the specific cause in each case and implement appropriate interventions to enhance the well-being and comfort of elderly individuals experiencing ankle swelling.

Recognising the Symptoms of Swollen Ankles in the Elderly

To ensure the well-being of elderly individuals, it is imperative to recognize the key symptoms of swollen ankles promptly. These indicators serve as crucial signals that warrant attention and possible medical intervention. Below, we provide a comprehensive breakdown of the common symptoms associated with swollen ankles in the elderly, highlighting their significance and implications:

  • Puffiness and Swelling around the Ankles and Feet: As you would expect, the most visible and recognizable sign of swollen ankles is the puffiness and swelling that occurs around the ankles, sometimes extending to the feet. This swelling is often quite noticeable, altering the contours of the ankles and making it uncomfortable to wear shoes or walk. The degree of swelling can vary, but any significant puffiness in these areas should be carefully examined.
  • Discomfort and Tenderness in the Affected Area: Swollen ankles are typically accompanied by discomfort and tenderness in the affected area. Individuals may experience a sensation of fullness or tightness around the ankles, along with tenderness when the swollen areas are touched. This discomfort can be persistent and worsen over time, negatively impacting an individual's quality of life.
  • Skin Changes, Such as Redness or Tightness: Swollen ankles may lead to noticeable skin changes in the affected region. The skin around the ankles can become red and may feel tight or stretched due to the excess fluid accumulation. These skin changes are indicative of the underlying issue and should not be ignored.
  • Limited Range of Motion and Mobility Issues: Ankles affected by swelling may exhibit a limited range of motion and hindered mobility. Elderly individuals experiencing swollen ankles may find it difficult to move their ankles and feet comfortably. This limitation can significantly impact daily activities, such as walking and standing.

Given the potential seriousness of swollen ankles in the elderly, it is of utmost importance that both individuals and their caregivers remain vigilant for these telltale signs. If you or a loved one exhibits any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical advice promptly. Early intervention is essential for identifying the underlying causes and implementing appropriate treatments or lifestyle changes to alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications.

How to Treat Swollen Ankles in the Elderly

When it comes to managing swollen ankles in elderly individuals, a well-rounded and comprehensive approach is essential. Swollen ankles can be a distressing condition, affecting an individual's mobility and overall quality of life. Below, we’ll explore holistic treatment strategies that encompass lifestyle adjustments, medical interventions, and the utilisation of assistive devices to address this common issue. We'll also introduce a valuable assistive device, the YourStride Alarm Watch, which provides an added layer of security and peace of mind for both the elderly individual and their family.

Medical Interventions

  • Diagnosis of Underlying Causes: The first step in addressing swollen ankles is a precise diagnosis of the underlying causes. Medical professionals will conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include tests such as ultrasound, echocardiography, and blood work, to identify conditions like venous insufficiency, heart-related issues, or infections.
  • Medication Management: If medication side effects contribute to ankle swelling, healthcare providers can adjust or change medications to minimise this side effect. It's essential for the elderly individual to maintain open communication with their healthcare team regarding any concerns about their medication regimen.
  • Compression Therapy: In cases where poor circulation exacerbates ankle swelling, compression stockings or wraps may be recommended. These devices improve blood circulation in the legs, reducing the accumulation of fluid in the ankles. Proper fitting and usage should be guided by a healthcare professional.
  • Lymphedema Management: For individuals with lymphedema as the underlying cause of ankle swelling, specialised therapies are essential. These may include manual lymphatic drainage, compression garments, and skin care practices. A lymphedema therapist can provide guidance and develop a tailored treatment plan.

Lifestyle Modifications

  • Dietary Adjustments: An integral part of managing swollen ankles is making dietary changes. Encourage the elderly individual to adopt a low-sodium diet, as excessive salt intake can lead to fluid retention, a primary contributor to ankle swelling. Reducing the consumption of salty foods, processed meals, and high-sodium condiments can significantly benefit their condition. Emphasise the importance of incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into their diet.
  • Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial for the elderly. Adequate water intake helps maintain the body's fluid balance, preventing excessive fluid accumulation in the ankles. Encourage regular sips of water throughout the day and the consumption of hydrating foods such as watermelon, cucumber, and herbal teas.
  • Elevating the Legs: Elevating the legs above heart level is a simple yet effective practice that can alleviate ankle swelling. Advise the elderly individual to prop their legs up using pillows or cushions when sitting or lying down. This position promotes better circulation and encourages the drainage of excess fluids from the ankles.
  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity tailored to the individual's capabilities plays a crucial role in managing swollen ankles. Gentle exercises such as ankle pumps, leg stretches, and foot circles can improve blood flow, strengthen leg muscles, and enhance overall mobility. Suggest incorporating these exercises into their daily routine, and consider consulting a physiotherapist for a personalised exercise plan.

Assistive Devices: YourStride Alarm Watch


The YourStride Alarm Watch is an invaluable addition to the comprehensive management of swollen ankles in the elderly. This cutting-edge device ensures 24/7 emergency support, enhancing the safety and peace of mind of elderly individuals and their families. We’ve listed some of key features of the watch below:

  • Automatic Fall Detection: The YourStride watch boasts advanced fall detection technology. In the event of a fall, it can swiftly and automatically trigger an alert, ensuring immediate assistance is on its way.
  • SOS Button: For added convenience and control, the watch is equipped with an SOS button. In emergencies, the wearer can manually activate this button to request immediate assistance, providing an extra layer of security.
  • Two-Way Communication: The watch facilitates direct communication with a dedicated 24/7 monitoring team through its built-in speaker and microphone. This feature ensures clear and timely communication during emergency situations, allowing the monitoring team to assess the situation accurately and dispatch appropriate assistance.
  • Location Tracking: The YourStride watch incorporates GPS technology, enabling precise location tracking. This capability is especially beneficial for elderly individuals who may have a tendency to wander or become disoriented, as it aids in quickly pinpointing their whereabouts.

By incorporating these comprehensive strategies, including lifestyle adjustments, medical interventions, and the use of assistive devices like the YourStride Alarm Watch, we can effectively address swollen ankles in the elderly. This holistic approach aims to enhance both their physical well-being and overall quality of life, enabling them to navigate their golden years with confidence and security.

If you're looking for more information on the YourStride alarm, you'll find all the information you need on our personal alarm and fall alarm pages.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.
