What To Do If An Older Person Falls What To Do If An Older Person Falls
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What To Do If An Older Person Falls

As we age, the risk of falling becomes a growing concern. According to the NHS, one in three adults over the age of 65 experiences a fall each year in the United Kingdom. And this figure sharply increases to one in two for the UK’s over-80 population. Falls can result in serious injuries, loss of independence, and a decline in overall health, so it is crucial to know what to do if an older person falls to ensure their safety and well-being.

Given that the elderly population in the UK is growing year-on-year, there comes an increased need for strategies to address falls and their consequences. Falls can happen for various reasons, including muscle weakness, balance issues, medication side effects, vision problems, or environmental hazards. When an older person falls, it can be a traumatic event for both the individual and their loved ones.

In this blog, we will explore what you can do in such situations, as being prepared and knowing the appropriate steps to take when an older person falls can make a significant difference in their outcome. Finally, we’ll explain why the YourStride Alarm Watch is such a valuable tool for ensuring that an elderly person who has experienced a fall receives prompt emergency assistance.

How to support an older person following a fall

After an older person experiences a fall, providing the right support is vital for their well-being and recovery. By offering compassionate care and taking appropriate actions, we can help them regain their confidence and ensure a smoother recovery process. Here are essential ways to support an older person following a fall:

Assess the Situation

When an older person falls, it is essential to stay calm and assess the situation. Check if the person is conscious and able to communicate. If they are conscious, ask if they feel any pain or discomfort and encourage them to stay still until help arrives. If the person is unconscious or experiencing severe pain, it is crucial to call for medical assistance immediately. Prompt medical attention is vital, as it can help identify and treat any underlying injuries or complications.

Call for Medical Assistance

Calling for medical assistance should be a priority in the event of a fall, especially if there are visible injuries, severe pain, or unconsciousness. Dial 999 or ask someone nearby to make the call on your behalf. When communicating with emergency services, provide accurate details about the situation, including the location and the individual's condition. It is essential to stay on the line and follow any instructions given by the emergency operator.

Offer Comfort and Support

While waiting for medical help to arrive, offer reassurance and comfort to the person who fell. Falls can be distressing and may leave individuals feeling shaken or anxious. Maintain a calm and comforting presence, assuring them that help is on the way. Encourage the person to remain calm and avoid unnecessary movements that could potentially worsen any injuries.

Keeping the person warm and comfortable is also important. If possible, cover them with a blanket or cushion to provide warmth and alleviate any discomfort. Avoid administering food or drink unless specifically advised by medical professionals.

Do Not Attempt to Move the Person

Unless there is an immediate danger, avoid moving the person who has fallen. Moving them without proper training or assistance may worsen their injuries. It is best to wait for professional medical help to arrive and assess the situation before attempting to move them. If there is a concern about the person's airway being compromised or if they are in immediate danger, carefully reposition them while avoiding unnecessary strain.

Prevent Further Falls

Once the immediate crisis has been addressed, it is essential to take steps to prevent future falls. Falls are often preventable with proactive measures and modifications to the environment. Making the living space safer can significantly reduce the risk of falls for older individuals. C

Start by identifying and addressing potential hazards within the home. Remove loose rugs, clutter, or any objects that could obstruct pathways. Secure electrical cords and ensure adequate lighting in all areas. Install handrails and grab bars in areas prone to falls, such as bathrooms and staircases.

Regular exercise and physical activity can also help improve strength, balance, and coordination, reducing the risk of falls. Encourage older individuals to engage in activities that promote muscle strength and flexibility, such as walking, tai chi, or yoga. Additionally, regular vision and hearing check-ups are crucial to detect any impairments that may contribute to falls.

Click here to read more causes and solutions for falls in the elderly.

Worried about you or a loved one falling? Consider the YourStride Alarm Watch, the UK’s top-rated fall alarm

yourstride personal fall alarm watch elderly

Unfortunately , you can’t always be there when a loved one falls. In these situations, the YourStride Alarm Watch is an invaluable tool. YourStride offers 24/7 emergency help with automatic fall detection, ensuring true security and peace of mind for older individuals and their families throughout the United Kingdom.

The YourStride Alarm Watch works seamlessly anywhere in the UK, whether the wearer is at home, in the garden, or out and about. In case of an emergency, the wearer can simply press the SOS button on the watch to request immediate support. Alternatively, the watch can automatically detect a fall and initiate the emergency response process.

Upon activation, the wearer is directly connected to the dedicated 24/7 monitoring team through the watch. They can communicate with the team and provide vital information about their situation. The monitoring team will then send the appropriate help to the wearer's location, ensuring a swift response in times of need.

The YourStride Alarm Watch not only provides immediate assistance in the event of a fall but also offers peace of mind for older individuals and their families. Knowing that help is just a button press away can alleviate anxiety and encourage independent living. The watch's automatic fall detection feature is especially beneficial for those who may have difficulty initiating a call during an emergency.


Knowing what to do if an older person falls is crucial for their well-being and safety. By following the essential steps outlined in this article, you can provide immediate assistance and support during a fall incident.

Additionally, the YourStride Alarm Watch offers an added layer of security, allowing older individuals to access 24/7 emergency help with automatic fall detection. With this powerful tool, older adults can confidently maintain their independence while having peace of mind that help is just a button press away.

Preventing falls should also be a priority, and measures such as modifying the home environment and promoting regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk. By taking proactive steps and utilising tools like the YourStride Alarm Watch, we can empower older individuals to live safely and with confidence. Let us work together to create a society that values the well-being of older adults and supports their ability to enjoy a fulfilling and independent life.

If you're looking for more information on the YourStride alarm, you'll find all the information you need on our personal alarm and fall alarm pages.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.
