What Causes Groin Pain In The Elderly?
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What Causes Groin Pain In The Elderly?

Ageing introduces a host of physiological changes, leaving the elderly more susceptible to certain health concerns. One of these concerns, groin pain, is unfortunately a widespread and often disruptive issue that can significantly impact the overall well-being of an elderly individual. In this blog, we will look at the factors which contribute to groin pain in the elderly, and introduce the YourStride Alarm Watch as a vital preventative measure.

The Significance of Groin Pain in the Elderly

The significance of groin pain in the elderly lies in its intricate nature, stemming from various underlying causes. Consequently, a thorough examination is required to unravel and address the underlying factors which contribute to the discomfort. And, given the spectrum of physiological changes brought on by the ageing process (musculoskeletal adjustments, potential health conditions, and so on), a holistic approach is vital in understanding the origin of the pain.

Essentially, by understanding the intricacies of this discomfort, healthcare providers, caregivers, and elderly individuals themselves can collaborate on tailored strategies that go beyond immediate relief.

Common Causes of Groin Pain in the Elderly

Whilst groin pain in the elderly can be a bit of a puzzle, in this section we'll discuss the more common sources of the discomfort. Practical insights and strategies will be explored to help manage and improve the well-being of older individuals experiencing groin pain.


Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of groin pain among the elderly, exerting a significant impact on overall wellbeing. This degenerative joint disease, characterised by the gradual breakdown of cartilage, primarily affects weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees, and spine. When directly affecting the hip, the erosion of cartilage causes friction between bones during movement which leads to pain and inflammation in both the hip and groin area.

For the elderly population, who may already be experiencing age-related changes in joint health, the onset of osteoarthritis exacerbates these symptoms, further compromising their mobility and independence. As a result, individuals grappling with osteoarthritis may find themselves experiencing heightened discomfort and limitations, necessitating tailored interventions to manage symptoms and maintain functionality.

Typically, treatments for osteoarthritis focus on managing symptoms, alleviating pain, and improving joint function. Non-pharmacological interventions include physical therapy, which aims to enhance joint flexibility and strengthen surrounding muscles, contributing to better support for the affected joints. Weight management is another crucial aspect, as excess weight can exacerbate symptoms by placing additional stress on weight-bearing joints. Assistive devices such as canes or braces may be recommended to reduce joint strain during movement.

Pharmacological approaches often involve pain management through the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications. In some cases, intra-articular injections of corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid may be administered to alleviate inflammation and improve joint lubrication. For individuals with advanced osteoarthritis, surgical options like joint replacement surgery may be considered to provide long-term relief and restore mobility. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and the individual's overall health.

Hip Fractures

Hip fractures are a significant concern among the elderly population, often leading to acute groin pain and functional impairment. As we age, our bones become more brittle and prone to fracture. The hip, in particular, is susceptible due to its weight-bearing nature and the stresses placed on it during daily activities. When a fracture occurs, the resulting pain can be intense and debilitating.

Treatment for hip fractures typically involves a multidisciplinary approach aimed at relieving pain, promoting healing, and restoring mobility. Surgical intervention, such as hip repair or replacement, may be necessary to stabilise the fracture and facilitate recovery.

As a result, hip fractures may lead to consequences beyond physical discomfort. Recovery from a hip fracture often involves a prolonged period of immobility and rehabilitation, during which individuals may experience further decline in muscle strength and overall functional capacity. This loss of independence can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and dependence on caregivers, affecting overall quality of life.

As hip fractures among the elderly often result from falls, preventive measures should be considered. The YourStride fall alarm is a vital tool in enhancing safety and minimising the impact of such incidents. Featuring automatic fall detection, the YourStride alarm promptly alerts emergency services in the event of a fall, reducing response times and ensuring that a demographic prone to hip fractures has access to immediate help 24/7, anywhere in the UK.

Inguinal Hernia

Inguinal hernias are another common cause of groin pain in the elderly. The condition, marked by a distinctive bulging in the groin area, arises when a section of the intestine protrudes through a weakened abdominal wall. In elderly individuals, inguinal hernias can bring about varying levels of discomfort, especially during physical activities or instances of strain. The condition not only results in physical discomfort but can also significantly impact the individual's daily life and overall well-being.

Repairing the hernia is often a necessary step in alleviating the associated symptoms and preventing further complications. The medical approach to addressing inguinal hernias may involve surgical procedures such as hernia repair, where the protruding tissue is pushed back into place, and the weakened abdominal wall is strengthened. The decision to pursue surgical intervention depends on various factors, including the size of the hernia, the severity of symptoms, and the individual's overall health.

In addition to surgical options, conservative measures may be recommended to manage symptoms and provide temporary relief. These can include lifestyle modifications, such as avoiding heavy lifting or straining, which may exacerbate the hernia. Supportive measures like wearing a hernia belt or truss can also be employed to provide additional support to the weakened abdominal wall.


Bursitis, characterised by the inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs (bursae) designed to cushion joints, may also contribute to groin pain. Elderly individuals are more susceptible to this condition (especially in the hip region), resulting in localised pain and tenderness. The inflamed bursae, integral for smooth joint movement, become a source of discomfort during various activities, impeding routine movements and functions. Given the significant impact bursitis can have on the daily lives of elderly individuals, the recognition of the condition as a potential contributor to groin pain is extremely important as it allows for the implementation of tailored interventions aimed at reducing inflammation and enhancing comfort.

Addressing bursitis-related groin pain often involves a multifaceted approach. Non-pharmacological interventions may include rest, avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms, and applying ice to the affected area to reduce inflammation. When necessary, healthcare providers may recommend pain-relieving medications or corticosteroid injections to alleviate discomfort and inflammation.

Physical therapy is another valuable component of the treatment plan, focusing on exercises to improve joint flexibility and strength. Click here to read our guide on exercises for the elderly.

In conclusion, groin pain in the elderly poses a difficult challenge which demands a nuanced understanding. The significance of this discomfort lies in its diverse origins, with each underlying condition requiring a tailored treatment strategy - be it through physical therapy, weight management, surgical options, lifestyle modifications, and so on. Technical devices, such as the YourStride alarm watch, can aid in managing the challenges associated with ageing, easing the pressures of daily life and ensuring that help is always at hand. For more information, read on...

YourStride Fall Alarm Watch

Introducing the YourStride Alarm Watch as a preventative measure for groin pain in the elderly

The YourStride Alarm Watch provides practical emergency assistance for the elderly in the UK with its automatic fall detection and user-friendly SOS button, ensuring 24/7 accessibility to help. YourStride prioritises the safety, independence, and peace of mind of the elderly, offering a straightforward solution for accessing help when needed and enhancing their overall sense of security in daily life. Some of YourStride’s key features include:

  • Fall Detection and GPS Precision: YourStride is equipped with fall detection technology, automatically requesting assistance in case of a fall. Paired with GPS functionality, emergency responders can accurately pinpoint the user's location, providing crucial information during outdoor activities or emergencies.
  • Help at the Press of a Button: The YourStride watch allows wearers to request emergency help by simply pressing the SOS button on the face of the watch. Once the SOS is activated, users are connected directly to a dedicated 24/7 monitoring team, ensuring swift and efficient assistance.
  • Efficient Two-Way Communication: Effective communication is paramount in emergencies, and the YourStride watch facilitates direct communication between the elderly and the monitoring team. Wearers can speak to the emergency team directly through the watch, conveying valuable information about their condition and needs, ensuring that the right help is dispatched promptly.
  • Sleek and Discreet Design: The watch boasts a modern and sleek design that seamlessly combines style with utility. Its aesthetic appeal ensures it remains a discreet emergency device, avoiding the attention-drawing nature of traditional pendant alarms. This integration into daily wear makes it an essential and inconspicuous part of the user's routine.
  • Beyond a Personal Alarm: YourStride goes beyond the conventional personal alarm, seamlessly incorporating essential health monitoring features. With a built-in Blood Pressure Monitor, Step Counter, and Heart Rate Monitor, the watch transforms into a holistic health companion. Users can effortlessly track their daily physical activity, gaining valuable insights into their cardiovascular health and fostering a proactive approach to overall well-being.

Click here to order the YourStride watch today.

If you're looking for more information on the YourStride alarm, you'll find all the information you need on our personal alarm and fall alarm pages.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.
